How to take care of yourself during Excessive Heat in India

How to take care of yourself during Excessive Heat in India

Hot weather, which frequently appears as heatwaves that last for extended periods of time as it always causes serious problems for people all over the world. These heatwaves are growing more common, strong, and extended as a result of climate change, which increases their impact on infrastructure and human health. In addition to being uncomfortable, the phenomenon of severe heat also carries major risks to health, with heatstroke being an especially serious issue during such extreme weather situations. 

It also highlights the far-reaching effects of extended periods of severe heat due to the strain on energy systems and agriculture. It is crucial to understand heatwave dynamics, causes, effects, and practical mitigation techniques in order to safeguard vulnerable people, improve urban resilience, and promote ongoing climate change adaptation. 

What are the measures to be taken to avoid heatstroke?

Several steps can be done to prevent heatstroke, especially during heat waves or periods of extreme heat.

Keep Yourself Hydrated: To stay hydrated, drink lots of water throughout the day, especially water. Alcohol and caffeinated drinks should not be consumed in excess as they may lead to dehydration.

Make a Plan: Keep yourself updated on local heat advisories and weather forecasts. Stock up on supplies and make a plan for staying cool and safe in advance of scorching heat.

Reduce Outdoor Activities: Try to avoid being outside as much as possible, especially in the hottest hours of the day, which are usually midday to afternoon. If you must engage in outdoor activities and must take regular pauses in a cool, shaded spot.

Recognize Early Signs of Heat Illness: Recognize the signs of heat exhaustion or heatstroke, which include heavy sweating, headaches, nausea, confusion, and a fast heartbeat. If you or someone else exhibits symptoms of a heat-related illness, get medical attention right once.

Protect Yourself from the Sun: To avoid direct sunlight, which can raise your body's heat load, wear sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunscreen with a high SPF.

Wear Appropriate Clothes: To help your body breathe and regulate temperature, choose light-colored, loose-fitting clothing that is lightweight.

Stay Cool Indoors: Spend time in air-conditioned or well-ventilated indoor spaces during peak heat hours. If there is no air conditioning, you can reduce your body temperature by using fans or cold showers.

Wear suitable shirts to remain cool: Wearing the right clothes in the summer will greatly enhance comfort and help you stay cool. We are listing down few shirts that will help you to reduce heat when going outside of your home. 

Shirts to wear in summer

Following shirt styles are perfect for warm weather. 

Cotton shirts: Breathable synthetic blends or lightweight cotton In warm weather, cotton shirts are comfortable and adaptable. To improve airflow, look for models with a more relaxed fit. 

Shirts with mesh panels or ventilation features: These types of summer shirts improve airflow and help you stay cooler when engaging in outdoor activities.

Slim Fit shirts: Performance fabrics or cotton pique are breathable materials that provide for pleasant and fashionable summery slim fit shirts. They're still cool but offer a little more structure.

Hawaiian Shirts: Also called Aloha shirts, Hawaiian shirts are known for their colorful patterns and loose fit. They are perfect for summer because they are made of lightweight materials like rayon or cotton.

Oxford Shirts: Lightweight and highly breathable, oxford shirts are ideal in hot and muggy weather. They drape naturally and loosely, which promotes adequate airflow.

Short-Sleeve Button- down Shirts: Another great choice are short-sleeve button- down shirts made of blends of cotton and linen. They are still breathable, but they provide a little more coverage than T-shirts.

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